Goals and Objectives

Training Program

  • Promote increased muscular strength for improved performance with a subsequent increase in joint stability and integrity of all supportive structures, tendons, ligaments, and bones
  • Reduce the number of injuries as well as assist in the rehabilitation of injured athletes.
  • Increase functional muscular mass, thereby enhancing the athlete's power output.
  • Improve muscle endurance
  • Improve cardio-vascular/cardio pulminary efficiency.
  • Improve student-athletes functional range of motion.
  • Improve student-athletes quickness and speed.
  • Educate student-athletes regarding maintenance of long-term health and fitness.
  • Allow for the development of testing protocols to identify strengths and weaknesses of the teams and/or individual players. Test results will be recorded within individual profiles to monitor the progress of all athletes within the program.
  • Develop the best sports specific training programs for our athletes.
  • Provide expert coaching and supervision to all varsity sports.
  • Offer a demanding, intense environment in which athletes are eager to train.
  • Provide a safe, clean environment.
  • Promote an environment that is safe and well supervised

W. Jay and Nancy Wilkinson Performance Center

The heart of the north end zone facility is the W. Jay and Nancy Wilkinson Performance Center – one of largest strength centers in the country.

The 23,00-square-foot area is located at field level and provides student-athletes in every varsity sport with access to brand new weight training and cardio equipment. The facility houses about 150 pieces of equipment, over 11 tons of dumbbells and over 40 tons of free weights for Indiana athletes to use.

Cook Hall Strength and Conditioning Performance Center

Cook Hall is a 6700 square foot facility for Indiana’s Men’s and Women’s Basketball, located southeast of Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall. The facility features coaches offices, locker rooms, player lounges, along with meeting and video rooms. The state-of-the-art facility also features two regulation-size practice courts along with a training room, and strength and conditioning development area exclusive to Men’s and Women’s Basketball. Cook Hall features 24/7 player access to practice and conditioning equipment.

The facility also features Legacy Court, which celebrates the unrivaled tradition of Indiana Basketball.